The Cookie Angel

Lorna Thorston — some people call her the Cookie Lady and others call her the Cookie Angel.
That’s because Mrs. Thorston bakes cookies — lots of cookies — and distributes them freely.
“They just disappear,” Lorna said during a recent interview. “When someone comes by, I give them a bag of cookies, wish them God’s blessings, and they go on their merry way.”
It’s a sweet thing to do, and it keeps her active and engaged in her community. At age 96, Lorna is grateful for good health, family and friends. “I am glad I can get up every morning, walk the halls, take out the garbage, and make my own breakfast,” she said. After breakfast, Lorna listens to devotions on Radio Station KJLY. “That takes care of my planned day,” said Lorna, who lives independently in an apartment at Downtown Estates on O’Connell Avenue.
Then, quite often, she bakes sugar cookies. Her favorite recipe makes a large batch of 13 dozen cookies, and takes her about four and a half hours. “I don’t bake cookies every day,” she commented. But, surely a couple times a week.
Occasionally, she’ll make raisin oatmeal cookies.
Lorna used to take cookies when she visited residents at St. John Lutheran Home. That ceased about two years ago, when she sold her car. “I determined that I was no longer a responsible driver,” she said, but admitted that she does miss the independence associated with having a car.
Lorna moved from the family farm in Sundown Township to an apartment in town in April 2013. The farm housewife and mother of four — two sons, Clair and Gene, who live in Springfield, and daughters, Marlene Meyers, who lives in New Richland, and Jackie Falter, who lives in Syracuse, N.Y., she always did lots of baking for her family.
Baking cookies and giving them to others gives her enjoyment. “Everybody likes cookies," Lorna said. “Some will stop every day and get some cookies. Some come twice a week.
“Winter perks their appetite,” she noted.
She provided the recipe as follows:
Lorna Thorston’s
Sugar Cookies
1 lb. butter, or (½ butter
and ½ margarine)
3 c. sugar
3 eggs
1 c. sour cream
½ tsp. salt
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. vanilla
7 c flour
Beat butter and gradually add sugar, then eggs, sour cream, salt, soda and vanilla. Mix in the flour. (I use mixer to blend ingredients and some of the flour, and then finish stirring by hand.) Refrigerate dough at least four hours. Roll out on a floured cloth. Bake about 14-15 minutes.