Girls Scouts make blankets for Lions

On Saturday, July 18, the Springfield Girl Scout Troop #37883 spent a day making fleece tied blankets to donate to the Springfield Area Lions Club fleece blanket drive.
The colorful blankets were cut and hand-tied by the local troop. The blankets will help comfort and cheer pediatric oncology patients.
This is the first time the Springfield Area Lions Club has done a fleece blanket drive. They are accepting as many fleece blankets as the can. Any size blanket is fine to donate.
All finished fleece blankets will be given to Children’s Cancer Hospital in Sioux Falls.
There are several ways to help support this project. You can donate a finished fleece blanket. You can purchase fleece blanket kits and donate then to our local Lions. If you donate kits to the Lions, the kits will be cut and tied by Lions at their convention.
The Lions will also accept cash donations to purchase blanket kits. If you’d like to donate funds to the project make checks payable to: Springfield Area Lions Club, please put Blanket Project in the memo. Mail the check to Mary Salonek, Treasurer P.O. Box 95 Springfield, MN 56087.
All donations are appreciated. They will accept all donations thru October 1, 2020.
If you have any questions please call Laura Bast at 507-723-5373.