Laura Bast displays pillowcases to be given to Children’s Cancer Hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Lions annual blanket drive for childhood cancer patients will include pillowcases


 The Springfield Area Lions Club is again sponsoring a fleece blanket drive for childhood cancer patients this year.  In addition, they’re also making pillow cases for the young patients. These handmade items can help ease hospital stays and treatment visits.  

The Lions need your help! They’re asking individuals and organizations to make and donate pillowcases,  completed fleece blankets, fabric for pillowcases, fleece blanket kits, persons to sew or hand tie fleece blankets or cash donations to purchase materials.  

Lion, Laura Bast, is an experienced sewer and she is willing to visit different organizations and groups to share an easy way of sewing pillow cases. She can give a demonstration and work with and help guide you throughout the project. Or, if you’re more comfortable learning via YouTube, Laura recommends the video titled  Make an Easy Tube Pillow Case with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star (Instructional Video). 

The completed blankets and pillow cases will be given to Children’s Cancer Hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Cash donations go to the Springfield Lions Club and can be mailed to Mary Salonek, Treasurer, Springfield Lions Club, P.O. Box 95, Springfield, Minnesota 56087.  Blanket donations may be dropped off at any Springfield bank or contact Laura Bast.  All donations are appreciated and will be accepted through the second week of February  2023. 

Contact Laura Lee Bast at 507-723-5373 or Mary Salonek at 507-227-6241 with questions.