Friends & Family

Play and learning area for
St. John’s GrandKids
Childcare is a basic necessity for most working families. Because most parents work outside the home, most children under five years old receive child care from someone other than a parent.  In the United States, more than 60 percent of children under six spend time in non-parental care. We all...
Springfield Community Theatre Board of Directors — Officers seated, from left: Denice Evers, vice-president; Marilyn Zwaschka, president; Katie Mueller, secretary; and Jeff Krueger, treasurer. Back: Directors Cheryl Neidt, Bryan Green, Denise Reiner, Aaron Tomschin, Brianna Jensen, Isaac Rasset and Dave Wahl. Directors not available for picture include Dotty deLambert, Matt Petersen, Darlene Fretham, Delbert Dalsgaard, Ed Meidl and Libby Tonn.
   A recent report provided by a state-level arts council, Minnesota Citizens for the Arts, indicated that over 23 million attendees have taken advantage of the arts and culture events annually, and there is growth in attendance in every corner of the state.  Springfield Community Theatre is just...
Front row L-R Irene Zimmerman, Pat Ryan, Shari Loomis, Max Meine.  Back row L-R Cheryl Diede, Amy Vogel. Linda Anderson, Judy Weedman, Marge Prokosch, Jane Evers.
St. John’s Auxiliary’s board for 2019 met for their monthly meeting as they continue to serve the St. John’s Circle of Care facility helping to enhance the facility for the residents and staff.  */
This is National Volunteer week, an annual celebration observed to promote and show appreciation for volunteerism. The Mayo Clinic Health System in Springfield recognizes and appreciates volunteers who provided 800 hours to benefit the local hospital, clinic and its services in 2018. Volunteers...
Kris and Abby Moe with a couple of their goats.
Kristopher and Abby Moe have 22 does, two bucks, three wethers, and 14 babies in their tribe of goats, and are  preparing for many more kids.   No kidding!   “The does are about half done kidding,” Kris said during an interview last week. “We’ve  got a ways to go.” “It all started last summer when...
CenterPoint Energy would like to remind the public of important safety tips, which also help to prevent service interruption and ensure proper meter operation. Snow and ice accumulation on or near the natural gas meter set and/ or on the roof above a meter can lead to potentially dangerous...
The Springfield Area Food Shelf will again be participating in the 37th annual Minnesota Food Share March Campaign.  The campaign began Feb. 25 and runs through April 7.   Springfield’s service area for the food shelf is Springfield, Comfrey, Cobden, Clements and Sanborn. The food shelf needs have...
Keep your heart healthy.
by Gail Gilman, Family Life  Consultant, M.Ed., C.F.C.S.  and Prof. Emeritus, University of Minnesota Just like an engine makes a car go, your heart keeps your body running.  As you grow older, some changes in the heart and blood vessels are normal, but others are caused by disease. Choices you...
Volunteers leading the Leave A Legacy Southwest Minnesota initiative are Paul Pieschel of Springfield, Nancy Hansen of Redwood Falls, Chuck Robasse of Wabasso, Greg Carlson of Tracy, and Scott Thoreson, Springfield.
The future of Southwest Minnesota — that’s what a group of volunteers are working to secure through the Leave A Legacy Southwest Minnesota project, which advocates for philanthropy and educates potential donors about how to give locally to help sustain  their communities.   The group itself is not...
