Friends & Family

Dancing ghosts for Halloween
Little ghosts dancing around a witch’s cauldron is the focal point of a delightful Halloween scene in the front yard at the home of Jason and Kelly Fenger and family on Central Street. Mrs. Fenger  and her day care children pose for a picture with the decorations — from left: Left to right: Jacob...
Pearl Ziegenhagen created the poster for this year’s Celebrate Art! Celebrate Coffee! festival. The 78-year-old from Clements has traveled much of the world with fellow artists, building an extensive portfolio of landscape pieces, using her favored watercolors.  — PHOTOS BY DAN BURDETT ~ WEST  CENTRAL TRIBUNE, WILLMAR
Local artist Pearl Ziegenhagen of Clements created the poster for this year’s Celebrate Art! Celebrate Coffee! festival at Willmar.  She received the award for Best 2-Dimensional Art, and Peoples Choice Award overall.  The following story and photos produced by Dan Burdette, community content...
Gen Moe at 104 years
“I can hardly believe it,” said Gen Moe as she reflected on her 104th birthday that she’ll observe  tomorrow. Gen resides at St. John Lutheran Home. She spends her days listening to audio books, keeping up with current events by television news, and enjoys visiting with residents and staff at the...
For thirty-five years, a group of women in the St. Raphael Catholic Parish have been creating fancywork and craft items. Their work has been a ministry in itself. While it gathered women of the parish together for fellowship, they created a variety of beautiful handcrafted items that raised money...
Springfield, Minnesota — Chris Stark, Director of St John’s Grandkids and V.I.K. programming and Chaplin Noel Wetter were awarded a mini grant of $5,194.00 this summer to purchase wheelchair accessible garden beds and gardening equipment for the campus of St John’s. Prior to this grant St John’s...
At left, Cindy Moe and her blue-ribbon interpretive arrangement  — trapeze artists. At right, Margaret Moe with her wall pocket arrangement that won a blue ribbon
Gladiolus lovers became budding floral designers at the Minnesota Gladiolus Society State Show held August 15 and 16 during the Brown County Fair. Two local women, Margaret Moe and Cindy Moe, who are gardeners and members of the Springfield Garden Club were among those who participated in the...
Photos of local 4H Trophy and ribbon winners from the Brown County Fair  are found on pages 10 & 11 in this week's Springfield Advance-Press
Rose Lee cares for the garden at Riverview Homestead Housing.
 “I always had a garden,” says Rose Lee, who carefully tends and nurtures the garden at Riverview Homestead Cooperative — something she’s done since moving there in 2011.  Her parents were gardeners. “They instilled in me the love of gardening,” Rose said during a recent interview. Her husband,...
Jan Krieg and her grand championship floral arrangement
Jan Krieg claimed both the grand championship and sweepstakes awards at the Springfield Garden and Hobby Club’s forty-second annual flower show held at the Farmers & Merchants Bank Friday, August 7. She received blue ribbons on all six of her entries in the show and it was her arrangement of...
The Summer Wellness Challenge that took place during the month of June resulted in the winners being the Fitness Friends team.   As the winner of this program the Fitness Friends have received the “Golden Tennis Shoe” traveling trophy until it comes up for grabs again in June 2016.   Fitness...
