Friends & Family

Winner arrangement.
Cindy Moe won grand championship honors at the eightieth annual flower show sponsored by the Springfield Garden Study Club held at the Farmers & Merchants Bank Friday. Cindy’s prizewinning arrangement was entered in Section VIII, Lot I that included dining place settings on placemat that...
The Kids Fishing Derby mid-morning Saturday, spon-sored by the Springfield Chamber of Commerce, attracted 60 kids and that many or more adults who assisted the kids and watched the fun.  
Jacklynn Reindl, left, wins a trip to the Minnesota Sings competition as a result of here winner Springfield Sings competition Saturday night. Elizabeth Schmitz, right, is runner-up
“I have always liked to sing,” says Jacklynn Reindl, 16, winner of Springfield Sings competition Saturday evening.   Jackie, daughter of Karen and Barry Reindl, sang “Safe and Sound,” a song by Taylor Swift, the princess of country music, to a soundtrack by The Civil Wars.  The song was the choice...
 Local FFA members in front of Stallion Barn at Grant’s Farm — front, from left: Marah Larson, Angie Krebs, Kaelyn Platz, Anna Plotz and Brandi Platz. Back: Andrew Beckman, Tyson Meidl, Devon Sargent, Alex Quesenberry and Dalton Brown.
Last week, 10 Springfield students who are members of the Springfield FFA joined others from Mountain Lake, Sleepy Eye and RTR (Russell-Tyler-Ruthton) on a three-day trip — their Summer Ag Tour — to St. Louis, Missouri. Springfield students included in the group of 42 were Andrew Beckman, Dalton...
Julie’s prize-winning Chocolate 
Praline Layer Cake will be served at The Springfield Area Historical Society's summer reception Friday, June 19, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Springfield Museum on Central Street.
The Springfield Area Historical Society will hold their summer reception Friday, June 19, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Springfield Museum on Central Street. This summer’s displays pay tribute to three former Springfield businesses: Springfield Milling Company (Vigorena Feeds), Ochs Brick &...
St. John’s Circle of Care's newly renovated Therapy and Rehabilitation Suites
St. John’s Circle of Care  showed their newly renovated Therapy and Rehabilitation Suites during open house the afternoon of Tuesday, June 2. St. John’s Circle of Care partners with Aegis Therapies to provide therapy and rehabilitation as both inpatient and outpatient services.  Nursing homes are...
Chase Groebner, 10, son of Nick and Sarah Groebner, remembers the day his family’s home burned in Clements on April 10, 2013. “I lost a lot of my stuff,” he recalled.   That included a number of stuffed animals in his bedroom. “I felt so bad,” he said.   He was impressed with the kindness and...
Anyone who would like to enjoy a baseball-themed, fun-filled evening at beautiful Target Field, is encouraged to join the team, Stepping Up for Shelly, that is being organized in search of a cure for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) in memory of Shelly Ochs. The Minneapolis Summer CF Climb is a challenging and...
Springfield Middle Kix took third place at the Just For Kix Apple Valley Competition on March 8.
Springfield Middle Kix took third place at the Just For Kix Apple Valley Competition on March 8.  The dancers, pictured, front, from left: Leila Cruz, Allison Krueger, RyAnn Miller, Iliana Tempel and Courtney Wendt. Back: Director/Coach Brooke Mielke, Cylee Graff, Casey Wahl, Ashlyn Rosenau, Bella...
Springfield Mini Kix took second place at the Just For Kix Eastview Competition on March 1.
Springfield Mini Kix took second place at the Just For Kix Eastview Competition on March 1.  Front, from left: Madison Wester, Brianna Pidde, Kaylee Simon, Violet Hovland and Mallory Drake. Middle row: Madison Welch, Emma Pingeon, Jaeli Richert, Jordyn Plaster, Astrid Ramirez, Courtlyn Runck,...
