Flag flying at Fredin Brothers.

The American Flag: a symbol for all


The American Flag has flown across the nation and world for more than two hundred years.  It epitomizes what the United States is all about and is the true symbol of freedom and patriotism.  Seeing it waving in the wind reminds all of us how privileged we are to live in this country and remember all those men and women who have served to defend the freedom and liberty that we all have. 

Perspectives of the American Flag

The American Flag is the most powerful symbol in our nation—a symbol of pride and hope.  Since the Revolutionary War, the flag has served as a symbol of unity which has galvanized an injured nation during times of conflict, such as the War of 1812, World War I, World War II and the civil rights movement.  It is also a symbol of unity during periods of tragedy like 9/11 and other terrorist attacks and a rallying cry during celebrations like Memorial Day, 4th of July, Veterans Day, local parades and sporting events.

Both young and old alike share many of the same perceptions of the flag.  When asked what it personally means or stands for, responses include “land of the free,” “hard work and freedom,” “strength,” “a symbol of pride and honor,” “freedom, honor and glory,” “a symbol of equality and freedom,” and “it demonstrates our freedom and independence.”

The American Legion, Legion Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion are strong advocates of the strength, poignance and honor that the American Flag exemplifies.  Legionnaires across the country ensure the traditions of “Old Glory” are upheld, and in doing so, ensure that the men and women who gave their lives in defense of it are remembered.  Some Legion members said the flag “is a symbol of hard-fought freedom for all Americans,” “a representation of those who have fought for our freedom,” and “it stands for the only free nation in the world.”

See complete story in this week's issue of the Springfield Advance-Press.

Springfield Advance-Press

13 S. Marshall Avenue PO Box 78 Springfield, MN 56087
