Amber Dale

Council hires Amber Dale as new City Manager


The Springfield City Council has hired Amber Dale as Springfield’s new City Manager. City Council held a special council meeting last Wednesday to appoint Dale to the position.  

Amber Dale has seven years of experience in local government in central Minnesota. Amber holds a B.S. in Health Science and in her final semester of an MBA. On August 1, Dale was notified that she has been awarded the designation of Minnesota Certified Municipal Clerk.  She will be recognized at an awards presentation during the Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers Association of the State of Minnesota annual conference next year. Amber is scheduled to begin her new duties in Springfield on Monday, September 11. 

The city contracted with South Central Service Cooperative of North Mankato to direct the recruitment process. The city council received seven applications from which four candidates were selected and interviewed earlier last month. The additional two finalists were interviewed on August 3.