Tiger Trek raises $39,042.50 to enhance education
Springfield Public Elementary students raised $39,042.50 in the annual Tiger Trek Color Run/Walk event held Friday morning. Students obtained pledges from family and friends to support the project.
“I have been doing the Tiger Trek for sixteen years and it gets better every year. It is all about community and a great support system. We need to thank everyone who supports Springfield Elementary,” Elementary Principal, Jeff Kuehn, told students before the trek began.
The Tiger Trek was a Color Run/Walk where the participants were sprinkled with colorful dust at different points along the route. The route took them from Brown’s Park to Sticker Field, on the walking path west to Range Road, north on Range Road to Gamble Street and back to Brown’s Park.
The Tiger Trek Color Run/Walk was sponsored by PAWS (Parents Aligned With Schools). The money raised will be used to further improve the quality of education, whether it be special programs, resources or supplies at Springfield Elementary School.
See complete story in this week's issue of the Springfield Advance-Press.