
The choir during one of their pop concert selections.
The Springfield High School Music Department presented its 75th Annual Pop Concert Friday  and Saturday evenings in the Performing Arts Center at Springfield Public School.  The annual spring event “caps off” the year and features the musical talents of the students in the high school choir and...
Cole Milbrath told of his experience during Springfield Rotary’s April 30 noon meeting.
  April is National Donate Life Month, a time to celebrate all the selfless organ donors across the country who have saved countless lives.  “We honor the families and friends of donors who have supported their loved ones and we recognize the professionals devoted to the transplant community,”...
Members of the Park Committee and the Lions Club.  From left:  Lori Schumann, Amy Vogel, Tianna Salonek, Tammy Kinzler, Amy Baier, Sharon Pieschel and Deb Miesen.
  The Springfield Area Lions recently donated $500 to the Martha Anderson Veterans Memorial Park.  The donation will be used to help with the new landscaping of the park.  
Cast of Little Women.
  The Springfield High School Drama Department will present Little Women as it’s spring production this Saturday evening, April 20 at 7:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Auditorium at Springfield Public School.  Based on the American novel by Louisa May Alcott, Little Women tells the story of the...
  The Springfield City Council held a special council meeting on Wednesday, March 27 to discuss, in part, options available for a rezoning request for the Wild Ridge addition. The current zoning is R-1 which would allow up to a duplex to be built on each lot. They are requesting an R-2, which would...
The Springfield City Pool is an vital part of many people’s summer plans.
  As the weather heats up, so does the hiring process for the city of Springfield. They’re looking for 25 lifeguards and controllers to cover the city pool this summer.  These positions offers a chance to make a splash in your bank account, while learning both lifesaving and employment skills. ...
Minnesota Food Share March Campaign
  While the Minnesota Food Share March Campaign is nearly over, there’s still time to donate and our local Springfield Area Food Shelf needs your help.  For over 40 years, Minnesota FoodShare has been on a mission to eliminate food insecurity. Its annual Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign brings...
 Springfield K-6 youth wrestling
For the first time ever, the Springfield K-6 youth wrestling made it to the NYWA state tournament. They are one of 32 teams across the state to qualify. The team will wrestle Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and 7,  in Rochester.  The wrestlers are pictured with their coaches. Front row: Huntley Rice,...
Spring Concerts
  For nearly forty years, March has been officially designated as Music in our Schools Month.  The purpose is to raise awareness of the importance of music education for all children and to remind citizens that school is where all children should have access to music.  Schools and communities...
Grant Kuehn and Skyla Dauer.
  ExCEL — Excellence in Community, Education and Leadership — is a unique recognition program designed exclusively for Minnesota high school juniors who are active in school activities, who show leadership qualities, and who work voluntarily in their community. Skyla Dauer, daughter of Nick and...
