
US Army Soldier Will Luckman (center), along with his family Ben, Brianne and Owen, visited Mrs. Hovland’s preschool class.
  Waving flags, red, white and blue ribbons and golden pompoms, the entire student body of St. Raphael Catholic School lined the halls of the campus to welcome  US Army solider, Will Luckman home. Will is the father of Ben Luckman who is a student in Mrs. Hovland’s preschool class.  Will has been...
River Valley Speech State qualifiers (l to r): Coach Gigi Bliss, Kiera Lafferty, Lily Pingeon, Leo Hovland, Sarah Kottke, Lily Kallevig, Coach Brianna Jensen.
  The River Valley speech team earned fourth place in the MSHSL Region 2 Section tournament on Friday, April 14 at Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton High School in Janesville.  Ten River Valley speakers competed with seven speakers receiving medals for placing in the top six in their categories.  Coming...
Joe Stremcha
  During last Tuesday’s city council meeting, it was officially announced that City Manager Joe Stremcha had tendered his resignation.  “Serving Springfield has been a privilege these past four years and I will greatly miss this supportive community,” said Stremcha in his resignation letter. He has...
 Residents of St. John’s Home, along with helpful staff, are busy preparing eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt.
  St. John’s Circle of Care is sponsoring an Easter Egg Hunt for children of the Springfield area on Saturday, April 8.  The activity is free and open to all children through age 12.  The egg hunt will take place on the campus at St. John’s Home, 201 S. County Road 5.   It will begin at 10:00 a.m....
Springfield Ambulance crew members.
  The Springfield Ambulance shows that you don’t have to be a big crew to do big things.  The Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board awarded the Springfield Ambulance Service the Certificate of Clinical Excellence for providing outstanding pre-hospital clinical care in 2022. The...
The Marshall Ave. crew at the start of the 29K Korteloppet.
  The Classic style of cross country skiing is a lot about technique and efficiency. This year, Darrin Meendering, Grady Meendering and James Bigelow showed much improvement over 2022. 10,105 participants competed in this year’s American Birkebeiner cross country ski festival in Hayward, Wisconsin...
Brown County Townships
   Townships are the oldest form of government in Minnesota, dating back to 1787 when Minnesota was established as part of the Northwest Ordinance.  The State of Minnesota is divided into 1,780 townships in 87 counties.  While a county is a unit of local government within a state, a township is a...
  The community dug themselves and, in many cases, their neighbors out after last week’s storms. According to our local weather observer, Russell Rogotzke, we received 10.1 inches of snow from Tuesday, Feb. 21 to Thursday, Feb. 23. We’ve received 50.2 inches of snow for the season.  Did you know...
Mikayla Opatz with her sheep
  Springfield High School graduate Mikayla Opatz has earned the highest honor in FFA, the American FFA Degree.  Mikayla was excited when she learned that she earned the American FFA Degree as it takes a great deal of time, dedication and effort. It is the highest honor awarded to FFA members who...
2023 Springfield School Board from L: Lori  Groebner, Justin Roiger, Sarah Groebner, Jessica Potter, Mike Vogel, Jeff Kretsch and Victor Thatcher.
  The Minnesota School Boards Association has set February as Minnesota School Board Recognition Month to build awareness and understanding of the vital function elected school board members play in our society. Springfield School District is joining other public school districts from across the...
