Brianna Platz is St. Raphael Catholic School’s new teacher
St. Raphael Catholic School has a new staff member that started in January for the second semester of this school year. Springfield native, Brianna Platz, is teaching the ten students in fourth grade.
Brianna is a 2018 graduate of Springfield High School and a December 2022 graduate of Winona State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education—K-6 Teaching and a minor in Middle Level Mathematics—5-8 Teaching. She is a brand new first-year teacher at St. Raphael’s.
While in school, Brianna found mathematics to be her favorite subject and speech and choir her favorite extra curricular activities. Sporting events were always fun to attend, especially baseball and hockey.
Platz said she has always wanted to be a teacher. Her aunt, Marcy, who teaches at the Lakeview Public Schools, was a big influence to her on choosing the profession. She, coincidentally, did her student teaching at that school.
See complete story in this week's issue of the Springfield Advance-Press.