Springfield High School Drama Department cast and crew for fall play, Radium Girls — center front: Andrew Hoffmann; seated front, from left: Kendra Kent, Kendra Parks, Julieann Reindl, Briana Schmidt and Emily Scheitel. Second row: Anna Reiner, Jacklynn Reindl, Madeline McCone, Colton Jensen, Grace Pingeon and Sarah Dunn. Back: Amaya Martinez, Libby Tonn, Julio Martinez and Joshua Moldan.

SHS thespians to present poignant drama, ‘Radium Girls’

The Springfield High School Drama Department will tell the sad, tragic story of the Radium Girls on stage this weekend. The play will be presented the evenings of Friday, Nov. 18, and Saturday, Nov. 19. Curtain time is 7:00 p.m.