Trophy and ribbon winners at Marshall Tournament —
 front, from left: Sarah Dunn, Elizabeth Klabunde, Grace Pingeon, Samantha Richert, Meriah Kirscshstein and Brittany Rogotzke. Middle row:  Hannah Johnson, Elijah Kirschstein, Kaitlyn Vogel, Jocelynn Hayden, Briana Schmidt and Harley Braun Back: Ella Bartz, Katie Schwartz, Lyvia Bartz, Molly Dunn, Ross VanDerWal, Joe Pieschel and Ben Runck.
 Speakers at Marshall Tourn. from left: Sarah Dunn, Isaac Rasset, Elizabeth Klabunde, Grace Pingeon, Samantha Richert, Meriah Kirschstein, Brittany Rogotzke, Colton Jensen.  Row 2: Emily Meyers, Harley Braun, Kaitlyn Vogel, Ellie Coffland, Jocelynn Hayden, Alexis Clemon, Julieann Reindl.

 Row 3: Andrew Hoffmann, Hannah Johnson, Kendra Parks, Elijah Kirschstein, Ainhoa Garcia, Brianna Platz, Briana Schmidt. Back:  Jackie Reindl, Katie Schwartz, Ella Bartz, Lyvia Bartz, Molly Dunn, Joe Pieschel, Ben Runck

Speakers wind up invitationals; head for Subsection Tournament

The River Valley speech team attended their final regular season tournament this past weekend at Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall.  

The team brought home a team trophy for placing third in the large team division.  Several individuals made final rounds and received trophies for their accomplishments.

 Molly Dunn was first place champion in Storytelling and placed second in her double entry category of Prose.  

Katie Schwartz also placed second overall in her category, Humorous.

 The duo team of Ben Runck and Joe Pieschel and discussion participant, Lyvia Bartz, placed fourth in their categories.  

Briana Schmidt came in sixth place with her entry in Original Oratory.

 Many students received ribbons of excellence for strong performances.  Those students were as follows: Harley Braun-Prose; Ross VanDerWal-Creative Expression; Sarah Dunn, Humorous; Grace Pingeon and Samantha Richert, Duo; Kaitlyn Vogel, Informative Speaking; Ella Bartz, Great Speeches; Hannah Johnson, Great Speeches; and Meriah Kirschstein, Storytelling.  

Several junior speakers received junior high ribbons of excellence. Those recipients were: Brittany Rogotzke, Drama; Elizabeth Klabunde, Humorous; Elijah Kirschstein, Informative Speaking; and Jocelynn Hayden, Poetry.

 The River Valley Speech team will travel to Montevideo Friday, March 27, to participate in the Subsection tournament in hopes of advancing team members to the Section 3A tournament. The Section 3A tournament will take place at SMSU, Marshall on Saturday, April 11.