School News

On November 19, students from St. Raphael Catholic school gathered together for a photo with some of the items students at the school collected for Socktober.
St. Raphael School recently completed a snuggly project, Socktober. For a second year, students in preschool through sixth-grade, the school staff and parishioners of St. Raphael Catholic Church gathered two huge boxes filled with coats, socks, mittens, hats and scarves for St. John Circle of Care...
Early Childhood Screening (ECS) is scheduled for Monday, December 9 at Springfield Public School.  Informational letters were mailed to all eligible 3 and 4 year olds. Early Childhood Screening was mandated by the State Legislature in 1991.  It is offered free of charge to all 3—5 years old. ...
Under the guidance of FFA Advisor Sarah Lee, Tyson Meidl received his American FFA Degree on November 2, 2019.
On Saturday, November 2, 2019, Tyson Meidl put on his FFA Official Dress for a final time to walk across the stage at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana, to be recognized for earning his American FFA Degree. This is an honor that few people in Springfield FFA history have achieved. Tyson is...
Even family members had questions about the school facilities project. School Board member Eric Schwarzrock answered questions proposed by his mom, Joyce. Larry Petersen listened to answers by Superintendent Kottke.
During the evening on Tuesday Oct. 9, the Springfield School District hosted an informal informational meeting regarding the school facilities project being proposed to the residents of the Springfield School District.  This was a relaxed meeting for community members to come and go as they pleased...
Site plan draft proposal for capital improvement projects at Springfield Public Schools
 A financial projection regarding the school facilities project being proposed to the residents of the Springfield School District concluded a series of meetings of the Facility Task Force and Board of Education, and two Information and Listening Sessions for the public Monday evening.  The...
They’re off!    Teachers Bob Fink, James Eckstein and Troy Hoyt  lead Tiger Trekers on their way.
Springfield Public Elementary students raised $19,035.88 in the annual Tiger Trek.   Students obtained pledges from family and friends to support their Tiger Trek project. “That’s a generous amount of money the people of your community have poured into our school and we thank them,” said Elementary...
Children could only imagine riding along with Dad in this big John Deere grader.
Once again, Springfield Public School filled the north parking lot with many different vehicles the afternoon of September 5, and hosted the Annual Vehicle Fair  as they kicked off fall Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) classes and activities for families of the Springfield area and...
For many new kindergartners and their parents —  school anxiety may be setting in. Parents might wonder if their kid will make new friends, like their teacher or learn to read. Annie Hansen-Burke, Ph.D., a senior lecturer in the College of Education and Human Development, addresses questions many...
Kindergarten Camp is a tradition in the Springfield School district every August.  Children  participated in Kindergarten Camp last week and met half days for four consecutive days.  The schedule included classroom activities directed by the kindergarten teachers, interaction with their peers,...
Traci Zuhlsdorf instructing a yoga class at Springfield Public School.
“Yoga is a blend of physical and mental practices that enhance your body and spirit” according to local Yoga entusiast and instructor Traci Zuhlsdorf.  “The benefits are many…muscle strength and tone, increased flexibility, improved energy and vitality.  It helps to balance metabolism, provides...
