School News

Lions officers are pictured with the students, from left: Beth Oslund, Craig Valentin, Lindsey Kettner, Elijah Kirschstein, Tim Rathman, Jake Veenstra, Isaac Fink, Chassidy Vanderwerf, Joel Pingeon and Linda Anderson.  Students unavailable for picture include Noah Bisel, Sydney Schauman and Julieann Reindl.
Nine Springfield High School seniors were recognized as Students of the Month by the Springfield Lions Club during the 2018-‘19 academic year. The students were nominated by teachers based on their character in and outside the classroom. All these students demonstrate great character and are...
Fourth-graders in Springfield Public Schools, in classes taught by Bob Fink and Jill Moriarity, visited local Public Utilities facilities —
Fourth-graders in Springfield Public Schools, in classes taught by Bob Fink and Jill Moriarity, visited local Public Utilities facilities — the water tower, fresh water treatment plant, power plant and the wastewater treatment plant — Friday.   The students seemed to have the greatest interest in...
Springfield High School cast for spring play, Noises Off — front, from left: Anna Reiner, Kieren Lafferty and Libby Tonn.  Middle: Jace Rosenau, KayLynn Sanderville and Kiera Lafferty.   Back: Sydne Wahl, Julieann Reindl, John Ombaye and Colton Jensen.
Springfield High School’s theatre department is getting farcical with this year’s spring play, Noises Off, by Michael Fryan. This knee-slapping play-within-a-play will go on stage Friday, May 3, at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, May 5, at 5:30 p.m.  Michael Frayn’s Noises Off takes a fond look at the...
Libby Tonn, Sarah Dunn, Grace Pingeon.
The sixth time competing in state speech tournaments was the charm for River Valley Speaker Sarah Dunn (pictured center). Sarah earned championship honors in Humorous Interpretation at the Minnesota State High School League Class A State Speech Tournament in Wayzata Friday.   Libby Tonn (pictured...
Heart of the Tiger award winners at Springfield Elementary School
Springfield Public Elementary School  recently celebrated the successful completion of the third quarter of the 2019-’20 academic year. Students are recognized for positive actions with Tiger Tickets.  The Tiger Ticket program acknowledges good behavior and conduct in the classrooms, outdoors,...
River Valley Speech team
The River Valley Speech team participated in the Tracy Junior High Tournament Tuesday, February 19.  They ended up taking third place as a team.   The River Valley Speech Team defeated the odds on Feb. 23, while attending the Adrian Speech Tournament during a blizzard!   Although the snow was a...
Doug Cook enjoys driving school bus
To recognize the bus drivers who work to safely transport more than 760,000 students to school each day across Minnesota, Gov. Tim Walz proclaimed Wednesday, Feb. 27, School Bus Driver Appreciation Day in the state. The Minnesota School Bus Operators Association and the Minnesota Association of...
River Valley Speakers with their team trophy earned for champion of small schools at the large River Valley Invitational Tournament.
On Saturday, February 16, the Springfield Speech team competed in the Redwood Valley Invitational Tournament.  It was large, three round tournament with 250 speech entries and 18 schools competing. As a team, River Valley Speakers were small school champions and out of all the schools competing, we...
River Valley Speech Team at Worthington Trojan Tournament — front, from left: Jack Scheitel, Mogen Winkelmann, KayLynn Sanderville, Bryn Gordon, Ellie Tonn and Kiera Laffert.y Back: Elijah Kirschstein, Grace Pingeon, Meriah Kirschstein, Libby Tonn, Layla Schwarzrock and Jace Rosenau.
The River Valley Speech team started their tournament season with a group attending Saturday’s Worthington Trojan tournament. Tonn tied for first place in Informative Speaking. Grace Pingeon placed second in Drama. Elijah Kirschstein placed third in Original Oratory. Meriah Kirschstein placed...
Springfield Board of Education — seated, from left: Chairman Jeff Kretsch, Treasurer Megan Quesenberry, Clerk Mandy Rasset and Superintendent Keith Kottke.  Back: Eric Schwarzrock, Ramsey Beyer, Mike Vogel and Justin Roiger.
The Springfield Board of Education, during their January 14 meeting, voted unanimously to make application to the Minnesota Department of Education to continue the flexible learning year on its academic calendar. The flexible learning year (FLY) concept was established by the Minnesota Department...
